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Day 4

Well the campaign is reaching a long awaited finale. It’s not over yet, but the tension is definitely rising. I spent a whole day giving speeches, doing interviews, and meeting with as many potential voters as possible. It’s tough working trying to get your message out to as many people as possible, but in the end it is a rewarding task. Being able to see a voter actually interested in politics, and genuinely intrigued by our discussion, is truly why I entered the cutthroat world of politics. The statistics still show a formidable lead in my favor, but as we all know, nothing is certain. It’s a hard decision trying to please everyone while maintaining who I am and what I stand for. One wrong word and I could lose thousands of voters, but if that wrong word is something I believe in, it may be a risk I will have to take. I try my best to please everyone, and thus far I feel I am succeeding. The end is near, and I am beyond excited.

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